Choosing the best indexes for MySQL query optimization

This post's contentWhich indexes should I create to optimize my SQL query?What not to do when indexing (or writing SQL queries)?Indexing each column in the table separatelyThe OR operator in filtering conditionsThe order of columns in an index is importantRedundant indexesHow to automate index creation and SQL query optimization? Many of our users, developers and… Continue reading Choosing the best indexes for MySQL query optimization

Top 5 MySQL Monitoring tools 2023

This post's content#1: EverSQL for MySQL#2: Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM)#3: VividCortex (DPM)#4: MySQL Enterprise Monitoring#5: Idera’s SQL Diagnostic Manager for MySQL We all love MySQL and want to make sure that our apps work seamlessly. However, there are hopes and there is reality. So in this article, we have decided to list the top 5 MySQL monitoring tools. #1: EverSQL… Continue reading Top 5 MySQL Monitoring tools 2023

6 Quick Ways To Reduce Your AWS Spending During Corona Time

This post's contentSpot.ioConsolidate billing accounts for better rates Shut down unused resources EverSQL to reduce database costPros:AWS Trusted AdvisorAWS Cost ExplorerSummary It’s all about focus and cost control, especially during corona crazy days. We liked Aaron Levie’s post which is true both for startups and for well-established companies: Startups: 1. Make sure your strategy is… Continue reading 6 Quick Ways To Reduce Your AWS Spending During Corona Time

SQL Performance Tuning: 5 Best Tips for Developers

This post's contentCreate indexes, but do it wiselyDo not stand in the way of indexesExample #1 - Avoid wrapping indexed columns with functionsExample #2 - avoid OR conditionsExample #3 - Avoid sorting with a mixed orderExample #4 - Avoid conditions with different column typesAvoid LIKE searches with prefix wildcardsConclusion In this article, we'll focus on… Continue reading SQL Performance Tuning: 5 Best Tips for Developers

Top 7 MySQL GUI Tools in 2023

This post's content#1 - DataGrip by JetBrain#2 - DBeaver#3 - BeeKeeper Studio#4 - MySQL Workbench#5 - HeidiSQL#6 - dbForge Studio for MySQL#7 - Navicat for MySQL#8 - SQLyogAdditional Must-Have MySQL tools#1 - Text To SQL#2 - MySQL Index Advisor#3 - MySQL Performance Optimizer #1 - DataGrip by JetBrain Pros: Very fast auto-complete Plug-ins available -… Continue reading Top 7 MySQL GUI Tools in 2023

How to Save on AWS RDS MySQL Costs by Instance Right-sizing

This post's contentHow to identify memory related down-sizing opportunitiesHow to identify CPU related down-sizing opportunitiesResizing instances based on users behavior patterns Actively driving CPU and memory usage downWrapping up Right-sizing database instances is the process of adjusting your database instances’ size to match the workload generated by the application. In most cases, the incentive to… Continue reading How to Save on AWS RDS MySQL Costs by Instance Right-sizing