Best PostgreSQL Monitoring & Observability Tools in 2023

PostgreSQL is becoming one of the most popular relational databases in 2022, as you can see its Growth on DBengine records, or in the latest StackOverflow developers survey. We have decided to review and list the top 5 PostgreSQL Monitoring tools in this article. #1: EverSQL for PostgreSQL EverSQL provides a unique PostgreSQL monitoring solution, mainly… Continue reading Best PostgreSQL Monitoring & Observability Tools in 2023

How to enable slow query log in PostgreSQL [2023 update]

PostgreSQL allows logging slow queries to a file, with a configured query duration threshold. Parsing the slow log with tools such as EverSQL Query Optimizer will allow you to quickly locate the most common and slowest SQL queries in the database. You can optimize these queries automatically using EverSQL Query Optimizer. Enabling PostgreSQL Slow Query Log… Continue reading How to enable slow query log in PostgreSQL [2023 update]


PostgreSQL offers several ranking functions out of the box. Let's look into the differences and similarities between three of them: RANK(), DENSE_RANK() and ROW_NUMBER(). For the sake of comparison, we'll work with the following demo table and values: ROW_NUMBER Function This is the simplest of all to understand. This function will just rank all selected rows in an… Continue reading RANK vs DENSE_RANK vs ROW_NUMBER in PostgreSQL